Bring Inclusivity and a Sport That Moves You to Your School

Wheelchair Basketball Canada is proud to introduce our Schools Program as part of the legacy of Ottawa2026, the IWBF Wheelchair Basketball World Championships, happening from September 9-19, 2026.

This program is designed to give students an unforgettable experience while educating them on the importance of inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility through the fast-paced, dynamic sport of wheelchair basketball.

With interactive school visits from our demo team and sport-specific equipment, your students will get the chance to learn about the sport, witness incredible athleticism, and even try playing wheelchair basketball themselves! 

What is the Schools Program?

Our Schools Program is an interactive, educational experience designed to inspire inclusivity, promote active lifestyles, and raise awareness about parasport. During a 90-minute* visit, students will:

  • Learn the basics of wheelchair basketball, including the rules, skills, and equipment used in the sport. Students will gain an understanding of how wheelchair basketball is a sport for all, where anyone—whether they have a disability or not—can participate.
  • Receive demonstrations of wheelchair basketball skills, such as ball handling and chair maneuvering, showcasing the athleticism and adaptability of the sport.
  • Participate in an engaging game of wheelchair basketball, giving them the chance to experience the sport firsthand and play alongside their peers, regardless of ability.
  • Learn about the 2026 IWBF Wheelchair Basketball World Championships, the world’s premier wheelchair basketball event being held in Ottawa. All participating schools will receive invitations to attend the Championships, giving students the unique opportunity to witness top athletes compete at the highest level.

The program is ideal for Grades 6-12 but can be adapted for younger students as well. Schools can host the program as a single gym class or a full school assembly, ensuring that students of all abilities are included and encouraged to participate together.

The Wheelchair Basketball Schools Program aims to educate teachers and students about wheelchair basketball and promote physical activity for youth with and without disabilities, fostering an environment of inclusivity. This inclusive program generates awareness for Para sport while promoting positive attitudinal change toward disability.

While this program is primarily for schools, we are also open to delivering the program to sports clubs, community groups, etc.

*The program can be adapted for longer or shorter sessions depending on class times and format.

Ottawa2026 Schools Program (2)
Ottawa2026 Schools Program (3)
Ottawa2026 Schools Program (1)

A Special Thank You to Lépine for Empowering the Next Generation

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Wheelchair Basketball Canada and Ottawa2026 extends its sincere gratitude to Lépine for their pivotal support in launching the Schools Program. Without their commitment, this initiative—designed to inspire inclusivity, promote active lifestyles, and introduce students to wheelchair basketball—would not have been possible.

Lépine is passionate about developing youth and encouraging them to explore new opportunities, whether in sports or in building a future through careers in the trades. Their belief in “Concrete Skills for Success” and “Building Your Future” resonates with the values of our Schools Program, which empowers students of all abilities to challenge themselves and explore new horizons.

As a family-owned real estate development company, Lépine understands the importance of fostering strong communities and providing opportunities for personal growth. Their support ensures that students not only experience the excitement of wheelchair basketball but also receive invitations to attend the 2026 World Championships, inspiring them to be a part of something bigger.

Key Benefits for Schools

Interactive and Hands-On

Students will have the chance to try out wheelchair basketball, learning important skills while being active. 

Fun and Educational

The program combines sports with learning, providing an engaging way for students to explore inclusivity and teamwork. 

Inclusive Education

Reinforce positive perceptions of people with disabilities, encouraging students to adopt inclusive thinking. 

Free and Helpful Resources

Access our online resource guide, which includes curriculum-linked lesson plans for teachers to extend learning beyond the session. 

Interested in Hosting a School Visit?

Don’t miss the chance to bring this exciting program to your school! Sign up today to book a visit or learn more. 

Do you have any students in your school who use a wheelchair? / Y a-t-il dans votre école des élèves qui se déplacent en fauteuil roulant ?
School visits are approximately 1 hour. Our staff will try our best to accommodate your request and will work with you around coordinating the other details for the school visit. PLEASE NOTE – A gymnasium is required for the location of Presentation/Demo // Les visites scolaires durent environ une heure. Notre personnel fera de son mieux pour répondre à votre demande et travaillera avec vous pour coordonner les autres détails de la visite de l'école. VEUILLEZ NOTER - Un gymnase est nécessaire pour l'emplacement de la présentation/démonstration.
Preferred contact method (phone or email) / Méthode de contact préférée (téléphone ou courriel)
Are you interested in having students from your school attend the Ottawa2026 Wheelchair Basketball Championships from September 9 - 19, 2026? / Souhaitez-vous que des élèves de votre école participent aux Championnat du monde de basketball en fauteuil roulant Ottawa2026, du 9 au 19 septembre 2026 ?
May we send you Ottawa2026 updates and information by email? / Pouvons-nous vous envoyer des mises à jour et des informations sur Ottawa2026 par courrier électronique ?

Still Have Questions?

Reach out to our team—we’re here to help with any additional information you need.
Contact us at:

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